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Xin, Chuanhai

NAME: Chuanhai Xin

TEL: 86-10-64497149

EMAIL: xinchbjlq@163.com

PRESENT UNIVERSITY POSITION AND DEPARTMENT: Department of Public Administration, School of Government, University of International Business and Economics (UIBE)


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), 09/2003-12/2006

School of Public Administration

Renmin University of China

Major: Public Administration

Dissertation topic: A Study on the Central-local Governmental Relationship of China in Social Transformation

Master of Art, 09/1993-07/1996

School Name: English Department, Central China Normal University

Major: English

Bachelor of Art, 09/1986-07/1990

School Name: English Department, Hubei College of Art and Science

Major: English


1996.8-present, Associate professor, School of Government, University of International Business and Economics


1.Government management and reform

2.Nonprofit and voluntary management

3.Political transformation and development


1.Public administration

2.Strategic management of public sectors

3.Management of non-profit organizations

4.Public management English readings

5.Management of public organizations

6.Chinese politics and government management


1.“A Study on the Problems and Countermeasures of Public Charities’ Effective Participation on Salvation of Public Emergency”. Leading Researcher of the Project. Funded by UIBE. Authorization Number:20YQ10. 4/30/2020-4/30/22. ¥100,000.

2.“A Study on the Strategy and Tactics of Chinese Social Organizations’ Participation in Building ‘One Belt & One Road’”. Leading Researcher of the Project. Funded by China Social Science Foundation. Authorization Number: Z17036. 6\30\2017-6\30\2020. ¥200,000.

3.“A Study on the Strategy and Tactics of Chinese Nongovernmental Organizations’ Participation in Building ‘One Belt & One Road’”. Leading Researcher of the Project. Funded by UIBE. Authorization Number: 76170408. 12\30\2016-12\30\2018. ¥30,000.

4.“A Study on the Collaborative Governance and Governmental Regulation from the Perspective of the Relationship between Government and Enterprises”. Partial Participation in the Project. Funded by the UIBE 211 Project. Authorization Number: XK2014202. 4\30\2014-6\30\2017. ¥300,000.

5.“A Study on the Building of Government Capacity for Implementing the Strategy of the Internationalization of Chinese Enterprises”. Partial Participation in the Project. Funded by the National University Foundation of UIBE. Authorization Number: CXTD4_09. 12\1\2012-12\25\2015. ¥250,000.

6.“A Study on the Organizational Characteristics and Capacity Building of Chinese Business Associations”. Partial Participation in the Project. Funded by China Social Science Foundation. Authorization Number: 10BGL10. 6\30\2010-6\30\2013. ¥80,000.

7.“The University’s Second-round (2012-2014) Building Project of Public Administration as the Priority”. Academic Discipline, Project from the University Discipline Cultivation Office, 2012.

8.“A Study of the Government Capacities Building in Relation to Implementation of the Overseas Developmental Strategies of Chinese Enterprises”. Project from the University Innovation Teams, 2013.

9.“A Study of the Collaborative Governance and Governmental Regulations in the Perspective of the Relationship between Government and Enterprise”. The University Initiative Building Program of “the State 211 Engineering Project”, 2014.


1.The Course Building of “Leadership Science”, Outstanding Teaching Achievement, 2008(awarded by the University).

2.The Course Building of “Theories of Public Organizations”, Outstanding Postgraduate Teaching Achievement, 2010 (awarded by the University).

3.Distance-learning Educational Project, Outstanding Teaching Achievement, 2012 (awarded by the University).



Visiting Scholar, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota, USA, (September, 2008-September, 2009)


Assistant Dean, School of Public Administration, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing (April, 2012-September, 2013)

Responsibilities: Director of MPA Education Center; Responsible Person of Internationalization Project



1.Strategic Management of Public Sectors (English-Chinese Bilingual), (09/2012-Current time).

2.Public Administration, (09/2014-Current time).

3.Public Organizations, (09/2012-Current time).

4.An Introduction to Non-profit Organizations, (09/2006-Current time).

5.Public Management English Readings, (09/2009-Current time)

6.English Writing of Foreign-related Official Documents, (02/2016-Current time)


1.Instructive Readings of Public Management English Classics (Doctoral Course), (09/2021-Current time)

2.Advanced Public Administration (Academic Master Course), (09/2012-Current time)

3.Management of Nonprofit Organizations (Academic Master Course), (09/2009-Current time)

4.Administrative System Reform of China (MPA Course), (09/2012-Current time)

5.Chinese Political System and Government Management (IMPA Course), (09/2018-Current time)

6.Nonprofit and Voluntary Sectors (IMPA Course), (09/2018-Current time)



(1) Chuanhai, Xin; Meihui, Zhu; Jinghua, Du.  A Study on the Role-play of and Realization Approach to Chinese Social Organizations’ Participation in Building “Belt and Road” Project . Journal of Reform and Opening Up. December, 2018.

(2) Chuanhai, Xin; Meihui, Zhu; Bolin, Li.  A Study of Motive Mechanism for Chinese Social Organizations to Participate in Building the “One Belt One Road” Project . Journal of Associations. October, 2018.

(3) Chuanhai, Xin; Wanjin, Luo.  Approaches to the Reform of China’s Theatrical Performance Industry—Starting with the Problem of Too Much Expensive Ticket Price of the Theatrical Performance.  Journal of International Cultural Management, June, 2016.

(4) Chuanhai, Xin; Jin, An; Chao, Xue.  A Study on the Internal Governance of Chinese Nonprofit Organizations—With Society of Entrepreneurs & Ecology as a Case.  Paper contributed to the Symposium Of Management and Innovation, UIBE Press. June, 2016.

(5) Chuanhai, Xin; Lixin, Dong.  A Study of the Implementing Approaches to the Mixed Ownership Reform of China’s Public-service State-owned Enterprises. Journal of Management Observation. April, 2016.

(6) Chuanhai, Xin; Yang, Wang.  A Study on the Achievements, Problems and Countermeasures of Chinese NGOs’ Involvement in Public Diplomacy—Taking Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries as an Example.  Journal of Frontier, July, 2015.

(7) Chuanhai, Xin; Junbiao, Ma.  A Study of Cultivation and Development of Chinese Community Social Organization by Learning from the Experience of American Community Non-profit Organization, Journal of Associations, January, 2015.

(8) Chuanhai, Xin; Lie, Ma,  Management of American Cultural Non-Profit Organizations and Reform of Chinese Cultural Public Institutions, International Cultural Management (The Third Edition),  UIBE Press, December, 2014.

(9) Chuanhai, Xin. A Study on the Nonprofit-oriented Reform of Chinese Public-service Units.  Paper Contributed to the International Symposium of the Sixth Sino-US Public Management, Press of Renmin University of China. June, 2012.

(10) Chuanhai, Xin.  Venture Philanthropy: An Effective Way for Financing Social Enterprise . Journal of Central China University of Finance, December 2011.

(11) Chuanhai, Xin.  Venture Philanthropy: a New Mode of Charity Finance.  Papers Collection, UIBE Press, September 2011.

(12) Chuanhai, Xin.  A Study of Motivation Mechanism of Philanthropic Donation in Contemporary China.  Paper collected in A Study of Operation and Management of China’s Charity Enterprise, Chinese Economic Press, July 2009.

(13) Chuanhai, Xin.  Thoughts on Several Questions of the Building of Socialist New Rural Communities. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University  (Social science version, CSSCI), September 2008.

(14) Chuanhai, Xin.  Thoughts on the Implementation of Big Department System in the Public Administration of China.  Journal of Yunan Administrative College, January 2008.

(15) Chuanhai, Xin.  Political Ecology and Its Optimization of China’s Administration Reform . Journal of the Institute of Humanities & Social Sciences (Korea), January 2008.

(16) Chuanhai, Xin.  A Study on Innovation of Local Government System: Roles, Predicament and Way-out . Journal of Gansu Social Science, November 2005.

(17) Liyan, Zhu; Chuanhai, Xin.  On Crisis Leadership . Academic Research (CSSCI), September 2005.

(18) Chuanhai, Xin.  A Study on Bureaucratic Behaviors: Comparison and Development.  Journal Of Chinese Public Administration, August 2005.

(19) Chuanhai, Xin.  Contradictions of Customer Services in New Public Management . Journal of University of International Business and Economics, May 2004.

(20) Chuanhai, Xin.  Public Service: Customer Sovereignty or Citizen Sovereignty?  Journal of Yunan Administrative College, February 2004.

(21) Chuanhai, Xin.  New Public Service: Future Trend of Public Management.  Administration and Law, July 2004.


Chuanhai, Xin. An Introduction to the Reform of Chinese Public Administrative System. Chinese Commercial Press, October 2006.


(1) Chuanhai, Xin. 2013, Public Management, Press of University of International Business and Economics: Beijing, China.

(2) Chuanhai, Xin. 2012, Social Management, Press of Renmin University: Beijing, China.

(3) Chuanhai, Xin. 2009, Public Management, Press of Beijing Normal University: Beijing, China.

4. CONFERENCE & MEETING PROCEEDING (PUBLISHED or NOT, Pls list out if have ever been invited to be the speaker or emcee)

(1) Chuanhai, Xin; Wanjin, Luo.  Approaches to the Reform of the Theatrical Performance Industry of China . The Annual Meeting of International Cultural Management of UIBE in July 2005, International Cultural Management (Fourth Edition), Press of UIBE, June 2016.

(2) Chuanhai, Xin; Jin, An; Chao, Xue.  A Study of the Internal Problems of Chinese Non-profit Organizations——A Case Study of Alashan Association of Society, Entrepreneur and Ecology . Symposium of “Management and Innovation” held by the School of Public Administration, UIBE in November 2015 (Paper presented on meeting).

(3) Chuanhai, Xin; Lie, Ma, Management of American Cultural Non-Profit Organizations and Reform of Chinese Cultural Public Institutions, International Cultural Management (The Third Edition), University of International Business and Economics Press, December 2014.

(4) Chuanhai, Xin. Nonprofit-oriented Reforms of China’s Public-service Units. The Sixth Sino-US International Symposium Concerning Public Management held in Renmin University of China, June 2012.

(5) Chuanhai, Xin. Successful Operation of American College Foundations and Its Significance for China. Paper presented on the Symposium Concerning China’s Western Education, April 2010.

(6) Chuanhai, Xin, Analytical Skills of Community Organization Practice and Their Utilization in China’s Community Building, Paper presented at ASPA 2009 Annual Conference(Miami, Florida, USA), 2009.

(7) Chuanhai, Xin. A Study on Appraisal Index System of China’s Non-profit Organizations, Paper presented at 2008 International Conference on Public Administration (4th ICPA, University of Minnesota, USA), 2008.

5. CASES or a SET of CASES

Chuanhai, Xin.  China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation: The Gorgeous Transition of a “State-run” Non-profit Organization . Issued Case Collection Certificate by the Case Center of China Professional Degree Education, Case Number: 201512520029, January 2015.