Qing Liu,Ruosi Lu,Stephen Teng Sun,Meng Zhang | Unintended workplace safety consequences of minimum wages
2024-10-23Zhe Deng, Hanchen Jiang, Bo Fan, Xiao Tang | Balancing act: How do local governments use social media in crises?
2024-10-17高照钰 | 《经济日报》:扩大服务业高水平对外开放
2024-10-12Biyun Zhu, Xuefei Li | Global policy diffusion as a socially constructed process
2024-10-08Xiao Tang, Wenjie Wang, Weixing Liu | Land revenue and government myopia: Evidence from Chinese cities
2024-09-19Liang Ma, Weixing Liu, Sicheng Chen,T | Where you are matters: Network position, designed network, and central government agency termination
2024-09-19刘斌 | 《成都日报》: 中国制度型开放的逻辑主线与重点领域
2024-07-03程波辉、罗培锴 | 双向投资对我国就业质量的影响及门槛效应——基于2009—2022年省域面板数据的实证分析
2024-07-01Does income matter for the policy effect of public long-term care insurance on informal care use in China? A quasi-experimental study
2024-07-01Time to Stop? An Empirical Investigation on the Consequences of Canceling Monetary Incentives on a Digital Platform
2024-07-01李晓嘉 | 推动数字经济与现代服务业深度融合
2024-07-01程波辉、罗培锴 | 生态系统理论视域下老年友好型社区的构建路径——基于31个案例的模糊集定性比较分析
2024-06-20程波辉、罗培锴 | 区块链技术助力城市营商环境优化的路径——基于TOE框架的定性比较分析
2024-06-20刘斌 | 充分发挥市场监管职能 持续优化营商环境
2024-06-11刘斌 | 《经济日报》:《国际经贸规则观察报告(2024)》发布——多边贸易体制仍具强生命力
2024-05-30张毅 I 《学术月刊》:建构中国自主的公共政策评估知识体系:必要性、基本框架与主要途径
2024-05-22李长安 | 《学习时报》:缓解结构性就业矛盾适应劳动力市场需求变化
2024-05-22李海莲 | 《人民日报》海外版:促进全球贸易要用好AEO制度(开放谈)
2024-05-15Hanchen Jiang, Xiao Tang | Effects of local government social media use on citizen compliance during a crisis
2024-03-30Xinrui Feng,Yue Hou and Mingxing Liu|Underrepresented Outperformers: Female Legislators in the Chinese Congress